
The Comox Valley Chamber of Commerce is a professional, membership-based, business organization. The Chamber collaborates with its' members to foster growth, community, and best business practices. The Chamber works on behalf of its' members to provide opportunity for Chamber members and employees.

chamber strengths

The Comox Valley Chamber's mission is to:
  • ​​Advocate for local business by representing the unified voice of local business to all levels of government and striving to ensure future prosperity via a pro-business climate
  • Promote the business community and not-for-profit organizations who are Chamber members; 
  • Connect with other organizations to establish rapport and well-functioning networks within the community;
  • Work from a 2023 strategic plan; and
  • Build solid business resources for members.

Our Chamber is member-driven and is governed by a volunteer Board of Directors.  All Chambers share a common ambition for sustained prosperity of their community/region, built on thriving employers. BC Chamber, Canadian Chamber and Comox Valley Chamber lobby all levels of Government to ensure private sector enterprises and investment is not overly burdened by red tape.